Saturday, January 06, 2007

The right thing to do

Do you ever have those moments where you don't know what the right thing to do is?

Not a moral or ethical dilemma.

Just unsure what's best for my kids. My husband. Me.

Tonight, Cameron and I were suppose to go to a Congolese fundraiser supper at our church tonight. It was time to get ready. We'd just gotten home from picking up Cameron at the farm and stopping at Giant Tiger to pick up milk and some panties for Sage (we're potty training!)

Jonah had fallen asleep in the van and when I carried him in, he wanted to be held. So I indulged him.

Then I mentionned that Carley would be coming to babysit. And he started to cry.

Normally, it wouldn't have bothered me. I'd have thought: "He'll get over it and be fine."

But tonight, for whatever reason, I couldn't. So I called Carley and cancelled. I don't think she was very happy about it.

And I felt bad.

Then Cameron questioned my decision and said he'd been looking forward to going with me.

And I felt bad.

And then my brother called and when I told him, he reminded me that Jonah would have been fine 3 minutes after I left.

And I felt bad.

And when I suggested to my kids that maybe I should go, Austin said: "No, I want you to stay mom."

So I stayed at home with them this evening.

Not sure if it was the right thing to do or not.

Sometimes it's hard to know what the right thing to do is...

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